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    TUA Green Nation Collection – Sustainable Fashion

    Sustainability is an attitude. To understand it you have to experiment. Those who feel their impacts change habits because they understand that their life and that of others depend on it. The Green Nation Collection – Sustainable Fashion has as mission to unite fashion, sustainability and innovation.


    Recycled cotton – separated by color, defibrated and reconstituted with recycled PET bottle threads. There is no dyeing.

    Colored cotton – the crop is without irrigation. The pen is already born with the color, without the use of additives or dyes. For dispensing dyes, the water saving in the production process is 87.5%.

    Circular Economy

    Everything is reused and the inputs are optimized avoiding waste and little or no disposal. Everything that was raw material or product one day becomes raw material or product again. All to have less impact to the planet.

    Social Business

    Part of the income of the Green Nation Collection – Sustainable Fashion is invested in Green Nation, a sustainability and innovation movement that engages people, companies and organizations for the environmental cause.